Boys -
Girls -
EmployeesTeaching: 33
Non-Teaching: 7
Latest News
- KVS believes in imparting knowledge/values and nurturing the talent, enthusiasm and creativity of its students for seeking excellence through high-quality educational endeavours;
- To cater to the educational needs of children of transferable Central Government employees including Defence and Para-military personnel by providing a common programme of education;
- To pursue excellence and set the pace in the field of school education;
- To initiate and promote experimentation and innovations in education in collaboration with other bodies like the Central Board of Secondary Education…

PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh
PMSHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya Hamirpur, HP is one of the premier educational institutions of the country. The Vidyalaya was established in 1983 in the civil sector sponsored by the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh....
To cater to the educational needs of the children of transferable Central Government employees including Defence and Para-Military personnel by providing a common programme of education; To pursue excellence and set the pace in the field of school education To initiate and promote experimentation and innovativeness in education...
To cater to the educational needs of the children of transferable Central Government employees including Defence and Para-Military personnel by providing a common programme of education; To pursue excellence and set the pace in the field of school education To initiate and promote experimentation and innovativeness in education...

Commissioner, Nidhi Pandey, IIS
Dear Students, Teachers, and Parents,
On the momentous occasion of Foundation Day 2024 of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS), I extend my heartfelt greetings to each one of you. From its humble beginnings in 1963, KVS has grown into an inspiring institution of excellence in school education. This remarkable journey continues to evolve, driven by an unwavering spirit of innovation and progress.

Varun Maitra
Deputy Commissioner
Tatkarma yanna bandhay sa vidya ya vimuktaye. Aayasayaparam karma vidanya shilpanaipunam. - Shri Vishnupuran That is, the one which does not create bondage is Karma, the one which paves the way for liberation is Vidya. The rest of the work is a form of hard work and other studies are just art skills.
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I took over the onerous responsibility as Principal, PMShri Kendriya Vidyalaya, Hamirpur (H.P.) on 30th Sptember, 2019. It is a great pleasure to me to open a website for our Vidyalaya. Our aim is not only academic excellence but also to provide a holistic environment for the all-round development of each individual student. I shall try to bridge the minds and create a common cultural arena for all with the unflinching support of the staff and the parents.
Read MoreWhat’s New
- Public notice regarding fake website.
- Extension of Last Date for Online Registration & Submission of Application Form for Balvatika 1 & 3 and Revised Schedule for Draw of Lots - reg.
- Posting order on repatriation from KV, Kathmandu/Moscow/Tehran.
- Regarding transfer orders of Training Associates after completion of tenure in ZIETs.
- Posting order of ‘Teaching Associates’ in ZIET for the year 2025 regarding.
- Transparency and objectivity in the engagement of security conservancy staff & inspection visits reg.
- Updated Seniority list for the post of Joint Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner for the year 2025.
- Updated Seniority list for the post of Suptt. Engineer/Deputy Commissioner (Admn.)/Assistant Commissioner (Admn.)/Administrative Officer/Assistant Engineer/Section Officer/ PS for the year 2025
- Updated Seniority list for the post of Joint Commissioner (Finance)/Deputy Commissioner (Finance)/Assistant Commissioner (Finance)/Finance Officer for the year 2025
- Implementation of RTE Amendment Rules in Kendriya Vidyalayas -reg.
- Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan - Admission Schedule 2025-2026.
- Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan - Admission Guidelines 2025-2026.
- Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan - Admission Notice 2025-2026.
- List of provisionally selected candidates for posting in foreign KVs (Kathmandu/Moscow/Tehran) for the session 2025-26, 2026-27 & 2027-28.
- Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Admission Schedule 2023-2024.
- Office Memorandum
- Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Revised Admission Guidelines 2022-2023.
- Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Revised Admission Schedule 2022-2023.
- Registration Form Class-II Onwards (Sample)
- Option Form for Class-XI (Sample)
Explore Things
Academic Planner
Academic Planner for the session 2024-25
Academic Result
Academic Result of the Vidyalaya
Bal Vatika
Currently we are having Balvatika-III class in the vidyalaya.
Nipun Lakshay
Programme aims at consolidating foundational learning in students.
Compensation of Academic Loss Programme (CALP)
To compensate for loss of studies
Study Materials
Student can download the study material for class 10 and 12.
Workshops and Trainings
Workshops and Trainings are provided by KVS ,CBSE and NCERT.
Student Council
The Vidyalaya is having its student council.
Know your School
To know more about Vidyalaya.
Atal Tinkering Lab
It provides activity based learning in identified schools.
Digital Language Lab
Vidyalaya is having its own Language Lab.
ICT – eClassrooms and Labs
Vidyalaya is having a very good ICT infrastructure.
Vidyalaya is having a well equipped and spacious library for students.
Vidyalaya is having Spacious and well equipped Labs.
Building and BaLA Initiatives
BALA concepts is fully implemented in the vidyalaya.
Sports Infrastructure Play Fields
Newly constructed Basketball Court.
Vidyalaya is following NDMA guidelines.
Last three sessions achievements in sports by PM Shri K.V. Hamirpur, HP
NCC/Scout and Guides
Vidyalaya is organising Scout and Guide activities.
Vidyalaya takes students on Educational Excursion.
Vidyalaya students participate in different Olympiads.
Exhibition – NCSC / Science / Etc
Students regularly participate in NCSC/ Science exhibitions.
Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat
Its objective is to strengthen the unity and integrity of India.
Art and Craft
Students participates in different Art and Craft activities.
Fun Day
Vidyalaya conduct Funday activities on Saturdays.
Youth Parliament
It helps students to understand the functioning of Parliament.
PM SHRI Schools
Vidyalaya will showcase the implementation of the NEP 2020.
Skill Education
It focuses on developing practical skills and abilities.
Guidance and Counselling
It helps students to prepare for life after school.
Community Participation
It is a programme for the development of the society.
Initiative to strengthen Schools through community involvement.
Vidyalaya publishes different documents throughout the year.
News Letter
CMP News Letter shows the activities in the Primary section.
Vidyalaya Patrika
It helps students to show their creativity and talent.
See What's Happening
News & Stories about Students, and innovation across the School

1. Visit by DC, KVS RO Gurgaon 2. Rahul Sharma, Ex-student of K.V. Hamirpur became lieutenant in Indian Army
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Interaction by DC, KVS RO Gurgaon with the students and parents during his visit in P M Shri K.V.Hamirpur,HP

Rahul Sharma, Alumnus, K.V. Hamirpur became lieutenant in the Indian Army. He passed out from Officer Training Academy, Chennai.
Toys Library

Toy Library of PM Shri K.V. Hamirpur